Keep Your Pup Safe At Home: 10 Things You Must Focus On To Avoid Risks
If you’re a pet parent, then you know the heartache that comes with worrying about the safety of your fur baby. To help put your mind at ease, we’ve gathered 10 essential tips to keep your pup safe at home so you can relax knowing they are free from potential risks.
Introduction: The Danger To Dogs In The Home
As a pet parent, it’s your responsibility to keep your furry friend safe from any potential dangers in and around your home. Unfortunately, there are many common household items and appliances that can pose a serious threat to your dog’s health and safety.
From electrical cords and outlets to poisonous plants and chemicals, there are plenty of risks for dogs in the home. As such, it’s important to be aware of these dangers and take steps to prevent them. Below, we’ve listed some of the most common risks to dogs in the home along with tips on how to keep your pup safe. Things such as air fresheners and candles are something people don't initially think about but remember, your pup's nose is much more sensitive than yours. Plug in air fresheners can be a source of irritation to a furry friend.
Electrical Cords & Outlets: Dogs are curious creatures and they often like to chew on things – including electrical cords. Chewing on an electrical cord can not only damage the cord itself but it can also lead to shock or burns. To avoid this, keep all cords out of reach of your dog or cover them with protective tubing. You should also regularly inspect all cords and outlets for signs of damage.
Poisonous Plants: There are many common household plants that are poisonous to dogs if ingested. Some of the most common include lilies, azaleas, rhododendrons, oleander, sago palms, and yew. If you have any of these plants in your home, make sure they’re kept out of reach of your dog. If you think your dog has ingested a poisonous plant,
1. Electrical Cords and Outlets
If you have electrical cords and outlets in your home, it is important to keep them out of reach of your pup. Dogs are curious creatures and may put their noses or mouths on these things, which can lead to burns or electrocution.
To avoid risks, make sure all electrical cords and outlets are covered or otherwise inaccessible to your dog. If you have any loose cords, tape them down or keep them away from areas where your dog likes to spend time. Be especially careful with extension cords, as they can be easily chewed through.
If your dog does get hold of an electrical cord, do not try to pull it away from them. This could cause them to panic and thrash about, potentially injuring themselves further. Instead, turn off the power at the source and then gently remove the cord from your dog's mouth. If they are burned, seek veterinary care immediately.
2. Poisons, Cleaners and Chemicals
There are many dangers that come with having chemicals and poisons in the home, especially if you have pets. It's important to be aware of these dangers and take steps to keep your furry friends safe.
Some common household cleaners and chemicals can be poisonous to dogs if they're ingested. These include bleach, detergents, fabric softeners, drain cleaners, oven cleaners, furniture polish, and more. Even seemingly innocuous items like mouthwash and hand sanitizer can be harmful if your dog drinks them.
To avoid risks, always keep these products out of reach of your pet, preferably in a locked cabinet. Be sure to read labels carefully and follow the directions for safe use. If you use any of these products around your pet, be sure to ventilate the area well and wash your hands thoroughly afterwards.
In case of accidental ingestion, call your veterinarian or local animal hospital immediately. Have the product container handy so you can give them the information they need to treat your pet appropriately. Inducing vomiting is sometimes the right thing, but not always. So don't guess at what you should do, get professional advice.
3. Choking Hazards
There are many common household items that can pose a choking hazard to your pup. Here are some things to watch out for:
-Small toys or bones that can easily be swallowed
- pieces of food that are small enough to fit through the dog's windpipe
-any other small objects around the house that your pup could get ahold of and choke on
If you suspect that your dog has swallowed something they shouldn't have, it is important to act quickly. Signs that your dog is choking include pawing at the mouth, drooling, gagging, coughing, and difficulty breathing. If your dog is showing any of these signs, contact your veterinarian or emergency animal hospital immediately.
4. Temperature Extremes
When the weather outside is too hot or cold, it’s important to take extra care of your pup. Temperature extremes are also quite breed specific. A dog who has a thick coat or multiple coats is bred to live in the North where a Chihuahua can tolerate warmer conditions better. Here are some things you should keep in mind to avoid temperature extremes:
1. Avoid walking your dog during the hottest hours of the day. The pavement can get incredibly hot during summer months, making it painful for your pup to walk on. Stick to walks early in the morning or later at night when it’s cooler out.
2. If it’s too cold for you, it’s probably too cold for your dog as well. When temperatures start to dip, dress your pup in a warm coat or sweater to help them keep cozy.
3. Keep an eye on your dog’s paw pads. Ice and snow can dry them out, so be sure to wipe them down after walks and apply paw balm if needed. In extreme heat, their paw pads can also get burned from walking on hot pavement. Be sure to check them regularly and provide relief with cool water or lotion if necessary.
4. Never leave your dog alone in a parked car, no matter what the weather is like outside. Cars can heat up quickly in warm weather and become freezing cold in winter – both of which can be deadly for dogs left unattended.
5. Provide plenty of fresh water for your pup at all times, especially when it’s hot outside. Make sure they have access to shade and shelter from the wind.
5. Unsecured Windows and Doors
As a pet parent, you want to do everything you can to keep your furry friend safe. Unfortunately, there are a number of risks that come along with owning a pet. One of the most common risks is an unsecured window or door. Here are a few things you should focus on to avoid this risk:
-Make sure all windows and doors are properly secured when you're not home. This includes using locks, bars, or other devices to keep them closed and locked.
-If you have screen doors, make sure they're in good condition and securely fastened.
- never leave your pet unattended in a room with an open window or door. Even if it's just for a few minutes, this is enough time for them to get out and become lost or injured.
By taking these simple precautions, you can help keep your pet safe from the dangers of unsecured windows and doors.
6. Glass Objects or Mirrors
To avoid risks, it is important to keep your pup safe at home. Here are some things you should focus on:
Glass objects or mirrors can pose a serious threat to your pup. If your pup likes to jump or run around, they could easily break something and hurt themselves. Keep an eye on them when they're near glass, and consider keeping any fragile items out of reach.
Last but not least, be sure to puppy-proof any poisonous plants or substances you may have in your home. Dogs are curious creatures and will put anything in their mouth, so it's best to err on the side of caution.
7. Access To Stairs or High Places
If your pup is small or medium sized, they may not be able to reach certain places around your home. Stairs can be a big hazard for pups if they're not used to them or if they're not supervised. If you have high places in your home that your pup can reach, make sure they are safe and secure. Puppies are curious by nature and will explore their surroundings. It's important to keep an eye on them at all times, especially when they're in new environments.
8. Small Items Left Around the House
As a pet owner, it's important to be aware of the potential dangers that can be present in your home. Small items left around the house can pose a serious risk to your pup if they're ingested. Here are some things to focus on to avoid risks:
-Keep any medications out of reach and safely stored away.
-Be mindful of small objects like coins or buttons that could be easily swallowed.
-Keep poisonous plants well out of reach, or better yet, get rid of them altogether.
-Never leave food unattended where your pup could get to it. This is a lesson most of us learn over and over again. 1
9. Garden
As a pet owner, it's important to be aware of the risks that come with owning a dog. One of the biggest dangers to your pup is something that you may not even think about on a daily basis: the garden. That's right - those beautiful blooms and tasty fruits and vegetables can pose a serious threat to your furry friend. Here are a few things you need to focus on to keep your pup safe in the garden:
1. Be aware of what plants are poisonous to dogs. Some common ones include azaleas, rhododendrons, oleanders, and lilies. If you have any of these plants in your garden, make sure your dog can't get to them.
2. Keep an eye out for slug bait. This poison is often used in gardens to kill slugs and snails, but it can also be deadly to dogs if ingested. If you use slug bait, make sure it's in an area that your dog can't access.
3. Be careful with fertilizers and pesticides. These chemicals can be toxic if ingested by your dog, so always read the labels carefully and follow the directions for use.
4. Keep your garden clean and free of debris. Dogs love to explore, so if there's anything in the garden that could potentially harm them (sharp objects, poisonous plants, etc.), make sure it's cleaned up before they have a chance to get at it.